Making it a very useful platform for streaming and download content.ĪnimeOut is a dedicated download-only site where you can simply search for any of the Anime movies or Shows and download the content right away. It uses two or three servers for each video, and one of the servers has a direct video download link icon at the bottom of the JW Player. The site uses JWPlayer for playing video content. The AnimeHeaven is regularly updated with new Anime shows and movies pretty quickly. Though you may be greeted with some annoying banner Ads. AnimeHeavenĪnimeHeaven is one of the fastest-updated anime platforms. Here is the Complete list of Shows in English. You get all the popular series and content with a 14-day test trial which is easy to cancel. Currently, the simulcast lineup consists of D.Gray-Man, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Izetta: The Last Witch, Puzzle and Dragons, and Tales of Zesiria the X. Funimation is owned by Sony, so you can expect all the Sony-owned Anime to be available on the platform.